OJWC team angie

Angie Hibben


Angie is the Treasurer for the Oswego Junior Woman’s Club.  She is President/CEO of the Oswego Area Chamber of Commerce and is currently also serving on the Kendall County Fair board, the Oswego Senior Center Capital Campaign committee and is active with many of the local non for profits in and around the community.  Angie and Todd have lived in Oswego since 1986 and has served as PTA/Home & School President as her children were growing up.  Angie & Todd have 4 children and 7 grandchildren.  AJ Creations is Angie’s relaxation and is a thriving hobby-turned business which includes hand crafted crochet items & jewelry.  I so enjoy receiving pictures from clients of them or their children enjoying the items I have created!  Angie grew up in a small town in northwestern IL and loves that Oswego has that community feel and that is also what drew her to OJWC.  “Being in OJWC allows me to give back to the community that I love living in and being a part of this amazing organization.”